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Ian Sample

Ian Sample is science editor of the Guardian. Before joining the newspaper in 2003, he was a journalist at New Scientist and worked at the Institute of Physics as a journal editor. He has a PhD in biomedical materials from Queen Mary's, University of London. Ian also presents the Science Weekly podcast

June 2024

  • Two people walking under umbrellas in the park

    Brrr-itish summer: why is it so cold and when will it get warmer?

  • Pedestrians shelter underneath a union jack umbrella on a wet Westminster Bridge in London

    Science Weekly
    Are cold and wet UK summers here to stay? - podcast

  • Turquoise killifish.

    Why do women outlive men? Cells that develop into sperm and eggs could give the answer

  • Nasa astronauts Christina Koch (left) and Jessica Meir

    Women may be more resilient than men to stresses of spaceflight, says study

  • Science Weekly
    Slaughter-free sausages: is lab-grown meat the future? – podcast

  • Early morning frost spotted on some of Mars’s huge mountains

  • Science Weekly
    Golden rice: why has it been banned and what happens now? – podcast

  • Bowel disease breakthrough as researchers make ‘holy grail’ discovery

  • Gene therapy trial gives deaf children hearing in both ears

  • AI researchers build ‘future self’ chatbot to inspire wise life choices

  • A guide to ADHD and autism
    The truth about ADHD and autism: how many people have it, what causes it, and why are diagnoses soaring?

May 2024

  • Little boy eating peanuts

    Giving young children peanut products cuts allergy risk, study finds

  • A glowing robot finger points to a key on a keyboard

    Could AI help cure ‘downward spiral’ of human loneliness?

  • Two people lean against a metal fence and hold up white and orange umbrellas

    Rates of melanoma skin cancer hit all-time high in UK, study finds

  • A purple light in a dark sky shrouded in orange and stars

    Euclid telescope spies rogue planets floating free in Milky Way

  • Science Weekly
    Why is air turbulence getting worse? – podcast

  • Electric cars more likely to hit pedestrians than petrol vehicles, study finds

  • Science Weekly
    In their prime: how trillions of cicadas pop up right on time – podcast

  • Device aids recovery of people with spinal injuries, trial finds

  • Researchers build AI-driven sarcasm detector

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