Antoni Peris i Grao
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Strengthening evidence-informed policy making

Defining evidence

In 2003 WHO/Europe adopted an initial broad definition of evidence as “findings from research and other knowledge that may serve as a useful basis for decision-making in public health and health care” (European Advisory Committee on Health Research (EACHR). Considerations in defining evidence for public health. “International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care”, 2003, 19(3):559–573).

Finding evidence

Many different initiatives, databases and search strategies are available internationally to help policy-makers and those who support them. WHO’s Health Evidence Network (HEN), which synthesizes evidence and provides access to key materials in this area, is one example.

Assessing evidence

WHO/Europe engages with Member States to produce publications that synthesize available research evidence on potential policy options for good practice, so that decision-makers can consider means and strategies for innovation in their systems. The publications do not aim to provide an ideal model or recommended approach, but help decision-makers by packaging the research evidence in an accessible and usable format.


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