WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
Woman counselling: Eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV, hepatitis & syphilis
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Eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV, hepatitis and syphilis

HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis can be transmitted from infected mothers to their infants, causing significant morbidity and mortality. Every year, an estimated 2 000 babies in the Western Pacific Region are infected by HIV, 180 000 by hepatitis B and 38 000 by syphilis through mother-to-child transmission. However, transmission of these infections can be prevented by simple and effective interventions, including the prevention of new infections among people of reproductive age, prevention of unintended pregnancies, antenatal screening, treatment of infected pregnant women, follow-up and vaccination of infants born to infected mothers. 

WHO Western Pacific Regional Office supports Member States to achieve elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis through a coordinated approach proposed in the Regional Framework for Triple Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis in Asia and the Pacific, 2018-2030.

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