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Service Culture in
Tourism and
Hospitality Industry
When it comes to direct customer interaction, hospitality and tourism
employees, particularly those on the Front lines, can signiFicantly
impact the customer's overall experience and satisFaction level.
To ensure that employees develop a service culture From the
beginning oF their employment, it is critical to include it in their
education and training. Employees in the hospitality and tourism
industry should be Focused on providing excellent customer service.
This includes their ability to address customer demands using their
knowledge and interpersonal skills and their ability to present
themselves proFessionally.
Learning Objectives
At the end oF this chapter, students should be able
1. Discuss what service culture is;
2. Determine how service culture impacts
hospitality and tourism industry; and
3. IdentiFy the key points to develop service
culture in hospitality and tourism industry.
Service Culture
The hospitality and tourism industry is becoming more competitive in
today's market. They are confronted with significant obstacles in
delivering high-quality, faultless, and satisfying services to ever-
conscious and sensitive customers.
The service culture is one of these service organizations.
Hospitality and tourism employees play a significant role in delivering
such high-quality service, which boosts the company's market share
and profitability via repeat business and good word-of-mouth.
Service Culture
The notion of service culture is described as a culture in which there is
a respect for excellent service and providing good service to internal
customers as well as ultimate, external consumers are seen by
everyone as a natural way of life and one of the most essential values.
As a system of shared values held by the employees, company culture
may be characterized as the firm stands out from the competition
because of its different ideals from the others. An organization's
overall style, feel, or collection of core features on which the
organization sets a high value is corporate brand identity.
Service Culture
In its most basic form, corporate culture refers to the way things are
done in a corporation based on the values, habits, management styles,
and written and unwritten norms and laws that the organization
adheres to. When we talk about service culture, we not only mean
organizational processes, we also suggest how the company and its
personnel conduct themselves in terms of manner, values, and
behavior. A company with a strong service culture will promote good
attitudes about providing service to its customers.
Service culture has three significant ramifications
for employee service providers:
1.A service
culture is
when people
recognize the
value of
2. Both internal and external
consumers get excellent
service. Indeed,
organizations are not only
needed to care for their
external customers, but they
are also required to pay more
attention to their service
personnel (internal
customers), who play a
critical role in service
3. Providing excellent
service is a way of life that
comes easily since it is a
necessary organizational
standard. This policy acts
as a glue to hold
employee's attitudes,
behaviors, and dedication
to providing excellent
customer service in one
To understand and address the demands of our customers, we must first create
the service side of our organization, especially a service or customer focused
culture. The service culture is focused on serving and delighting the customer,
and it is defined by a strong dedication to providing excellent customer service.
The customer comes first in a service culture, and everyone immediately puts
the customer before anybody or anything else. To enable a service culture to
flourish and thrive, management must have a strong desire to exist and the
energy to guarantee that this desire spreads across the organization and stays
there indefinitely. As a result, the service culture must begin at the top and
spread across the organization. It is essential for everyone, from the top down, to
think that they are working for the consumer. The obligation for customer service
falls on the shoulders of everyone in the organization, not just one department.
An organization's culture is a style of behaving, thinking, and acting that is learned and shared by
the company members. Among the many definitions available, one that comes to mind is the
standard philosophical and ideological framework and the shared values, assumptions, beliefs,
attitudes, and conventions that bind a community together. In the presence of all of these
interconnected characteristics, a group's implicit or explicit consensus on how its members
should handle choices and situations is revealed. In other words, organizational culture refers to
the way employees behave and think as they go about their daily tasks. It is just the way things are
done around here. In addition to this, any culture is dynamic and continuously evolving, as
anybody who has followed the evolution of adolescent music and fashion over the last decade
will attest.
Culture can influence its members while also being impacted by its members.
Cultures will inevitably evolve due to the interaction between members throughout time as they
cope with shifting conditions.
When it comes to two fundamental concerns that all organizations must address: how to interact
with the world outside of the organization and how to relate to one another, culture is a valuable
tool for helping members of an organization cope with their differences. As a group learns to cope
with its problems of external adaptation and internal interaction, it develops a pattern of
fundamental assumptions that have proven effective enough to be accepted as valid and, as a
result, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive and think about those
problems. Culture is a pattern of fundamental assumptions that have been invented, discovered,
or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and
internal interaction.
When dealing with the outside world, some managers define how their businesses should deal
with it by having a closed or unfavorable view of it and creating a "us against them" cultural
mindset. In this environment, members of an organization's culture are unreceptive to new ideas
coming from outside; they tend to discard or downplay standard industry practices or
innovations, and they are generally secretive about what their organization is doing and
protective of its "proprietary knowledge."
Managers attempting to establish an open-culture organization, on the other hand, constantly
encourage their employees to grow and develop by interacting with others in the industry,
benchmarking against best-practice organizations wherever they can be found, and taking into
consideration ideas and innovations developed outside the organization's boundaries. It should come
as no surprise that employees in these learning firms are more responsive to changes in consumer
expectations and more adept at meeting customer demands.
Consequently, the organization's culture symbolizes a shared learning process that continues over
time as the people there adapt, grow, and develop while also reacting to a world that changes at the
same rate. The world outside of the organization (which includes the physical, technical, and cultural
environments) determines the activities and patterns of interactions for those organization members.
They must engage with the external world. The environment establishes the possibilities, alternatives,
and limits for a group from the outset. The group is forced to identify its primary mission or function if
it is to survive. This must never be forgotten. As a result, the environment first drives the creation of
culture; yet, once the culture is established in the form of shared assumptions, those assumptions, in
turn, influence how the environment is viewed and described in the future.
Developing Service Culture in
Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Over the last several years, the term service culture has gained signiFicant use. As the economy
recovered and Firms became more stable, business owners began to emphasize developing a
service culture that was appealing to employees. The value oF culture in the hospitality and
tourism sector cannot be overstated. Workplace happiness is reFlected in the quality oF
employees' work and how they interact with one another and visitors. Employees are the public
Face oF most hospitality organizations, and their pleasure nearly immediately transFers into
guests' satisFaction in such Firms.
There are a variety oF ways that may be used to help you build a successFul service culture. It
will make your staFF and customers happy, which will result in the growth oF your company.
The Following are some oF the key points to develop service culture in hospitality and tourism
Begin by developing a brand vision For the organization. Decide what the
organization wants to be renowned For and stick to it. Above and beyond
customer service, low-cost lodging, adventure travel, and other activities are
all possible Focuses For your organization. In any case, the organization may
align its mission with a service culture that encourages contented employees
and Fosters a great work environment.
Although it is diFFicult, it is not impossible. The Ritz-Carlton is one oF the most
notable examples. Service at the Ritz-Carlton is unmatched in the hospitality
industry. Their service culture encourages staFF to go above and beyond to
provide the most excellent possible customer experience. Employees Feel more in
charge when they have a Feeling oF empowerment.
1.Defining Vision
Every service culture has a compelling story to tell, and any
hospitality and tourism organization should also have one.
When the organization writes a company's history, they give the
employees a sense oF belonging to something larger than
themselves. It also assists its customers in comprehending the
source oF their belieFs and ideals. Examine motivations For starting
the organization in the First place. The waiters can exhibit that laid-
back attitude. They will be more likely to comprehend what the
organization is trying to achieve iF they understand its history.
2. Develop
Company Story
It is essential to recruit the most qualiFied candidates First.
IdentiFying the personality qualities and capabilities you are seeking is the First step in
hiring the appropriate personnel. When it comes to hiring, there's a Frequent saying that
attitude is more important than ability since talents can be taught, but attitude cannot
be taught. Participate in the recruiting process with your team members on board. You
want to make sure everyone on the team Feels like they have a voice in any new hires,
especially For more team-oriented jobs. During the interview process, be kind and
welcoming. Some jobs need excessively thorough or intensive interviews, but you
should put into practice what you teach.Throughout the process, always keep the
applicants' best interests in mind. Look For applicants who are interested in developing
their careers with the organization over the long run. However, many individuals seek
mentoring when they begin working in the organization. Provide direction and
possibilities For advancement when you do recruit a new member oF staFF.
3. Hiring the Right Employee
Communication and transparency are inextricably linked. Once you have discovered
excellent employees to work For you, make it a point to check in on them and talk
with them Frequently. Organizational news and updates should be communicated to
your employees in an open and honest manner regularly. Keeping everyone
inFormed will assist everyone Feel like they are working as a part oF the same team
and provide visitors with the greatest possible experience.
Open communication is about sharing both victories and deFeats. However, it is Far
easier said than done in practice. The most important thing is to ensure that
employees are comFortable discussing their opinions and emotions without Fear oF
being judged or punished.
4. Communication and Transparency
Pay attention to what your staFF and customers have to say, both in-
person and online. Having a clear understanding oF your surroundings
will assist you in maintaining control over your company culture.
Consider holding periodic temperature or pulse meetings to understand
better what is going on in the organization.
Also, consider using private internet Forums to solicit honest and Frank
comments From your customers. Some employees may be uncomFortable
bringing up issues and concerns in a public Forum, which is
understandable. Employees may bring up a matter in a private online
platForm, which allows them to do so in complete anonymity.
Hospitality and tourism employees should believe that they are capable oF
developing solutions For customers. This is particularly true in any business that is
Focused on providing services. Whenever a customer has an issue, the employee
should resolve it without the need to seek authorization From the top managers or
the organization 100 percent oF the time. The Ritz Carlton, For example, is a brand
that is well-known across the globe For its dedication to providing excellent
customer service. Every single member oF the Ritz-Carlton employee must pay on
every single customer per incident. This enables their whole staFF to eliminate
issues immediately and without the need to go through a series oF hoops. Although
not every organization can attach such a considerable sum oF money to every
employee, creating a similar scheme may be advantageous in certain situations. A
well-inFormed team makes sound judgments in the context oF the circumstance.
This kind oF culture may be established by appropriate training and employees with
the proper mentality.
5. Employees Empowerment
For Employees that go beyond their duty should be rewarded in a customer
service-oriented role. A good example oF this is rewarding an employee mentioned
a certain number oF times on a comment card throughout the month. The
organization's upsell strategy may need to reward staFF when they achieve their
targets. In this way, service excellence will be achieved when the employees are
6. Employee Rewards
The service structure oF any hospitality or tourism organization will probably have a
signiFicant inFluence on the service culture oF the business. In a bureaucracy, only a
limited number oF individuals have the authority to make decisions. Employees who
work For such organizations are oFten leFt with the impression that their ideas do
not matter. Structure your organization instead such that all employees Feel in
control oF their work and careers.
As a result, communication will improve, which will lead to better choices being made
by those involved. We must never Forget that great solutions and ideas may come
From anybody, regardless oF status or title.
7. Structure of the Organization
Occasionally, the procedures themselves are the source oF the issue. When your
employee is required to accomplish a job that requires a signiFicant amount oF
documentation or several processes, it may lead to tension. Employees who are under
the impression that they are working in a bureaucracy will have a negative impact on
the service culture oF the organization.
8.Identifying the Problem
Recognize and eliminate potential problems. Individuals may be a source oF
problems at times. The procedures or systems are sometimes to blame. Employees
are not required to exercise consistently. While you employ someone For a
particular role, you may believe they are exceptional at that position, when in Fact,
they may excel in a diFFerent area altogether. It is possible For any employee who
does not Fit in with vour team to create a toxic workplace. It just takes one poor
seed to wreak havoc on a whole crop. It will be simple to discover negative impacts
iF you pay attention to your organization's culture and listen to your employees.
Occasionally, the procedures themselves are the source oF the issue. When your
employee is required to accomplish a job that requires a signiFicant amount oF
documentation or several processes, it may lead to tension. Employees who are under
the impression that they are working in a bureaucracy will have a negative impact on
the service culture oF the organization.
8.Identifying the Problem
Recognize and eliminate potential problems. Individuals may be a source oF
problems at times. The procedures or systems are sometimes to blame. Employees
are not required to exercise consistently. While you employ someone For a
particular role, you may believe they are exceptional at that position, when in Fact,
they may excel in a diFFerent area altogether. It is possible For any employee who
does not Fit in with vour team to create a toxic workplace. It just takes one poor
seed to wreak havoc on a whole crop. It will be simple to discover negative impacts
iF you pay attention to your organization's culture and listen to your employees.
The process oF building a strong service culture is never-ending.
Making improvements regularly can help to create a service culture
that will last and develop with the business. One-on-one meetings,
mentoring opportunities, and quarterly training may all contribute to
a more Favorable work environment. You are giving employees the
chance to grow and learn new things.
There are almost no limitations to the number oF things they can
understand. Top management might teach employees job-speciFic skills
such as upselling. However, iF the organization wants to learn more
about the area, be creative and oFFer a training program. As hospitality
and tourism business, you have a plethora oF options For learning while
having Fun.
9. Lifelong-Learning
When you employ individuals who are a good match For your company's service culture,
you increase the likelihood oF obtaining a long-term commitment From them. However,
there are other things you can do to engage employees with the goal oF your business. IF
your organization, For example, believes in continuous service improvement, then
motivate your employees by implementing continuous improvement practices at all
levels oF the organization. By sending employees to conFerences and continuing
education classes, you may help them grow their skills. It is necessary to make a certain
customer experience a reality across the Firm iF you want people to oFFer that experience.
IF you want your employees to stay motivated, they must sense the culture you are
9. Lifelong-Learning

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QSM Chap 10 Service Culture in Tourism and Hospitality Industry.pptx

  • 1. Service Culture in Tourism and Hospitality Industry
  • 2. Introduction When it comes to direct customer interaction, hospitality and tourism employees, particularly those on the Front lines, can signiFicantly impact the customer's overall experience and satisFaction level. To ensure that employees develop a service culture From the beginning oF their employment, it is critical to include it in their education and training. Employees in the hospitality and tourism industry should be Focused on providing excellent customer service. This includes their ability to address customer demands using their knowledge and interpersonal skills and their ability to present themselves proFessionally.
  • 3. Learning Objectives At the end oF this chapter, students should be able to: 1. Discuss what service culture is; 2. Determine how service culture impacts hospitality and tourism industry; and 3. IdentiFy the key points to develop service culture in hospitality and tourism industry.
  • 4. Service Culture The hospitality and tourism industry is becoming more competitive in today's market. They are confronted with significant obstacles in delivering high-quality, faultless, and satisfying services to ever- conscious and sensitive customers. The service culture is one of these service organizations. Hospitality and tourism employees play a significant role in delivering such high-quality service, which boosts the company's market share and profitability via repeat business and good word-of-mouth.
  • 5. Service Culture The notion of service culture is described as a culture in which there is a respect for excellent service and providing good service to internal customers as well as ultimate, external consumers are seen by everyone as a natural way of life and one of the most essential values. As a system of shared values held by the employees, company culture may be characterized as the firm stands out from the competition because of its different ideals from the others. An organization's overall style, feel, or collection of core features on which the organization sets a high value is corporate brand identity.
  • 6. Service Culture In its most basic form, corporate culture refers to the way things are done in a corporation based on the values, habits, management styles, and written and unwritten norms and laws that the organization adheres to. When we talk about service culture, we not only mean organizational processes, we also suggest how the company and its personnel conduct themselves in terms of manner, values, and behavior. A company with a strong service culture will promote good attitudes about providing service to its customers.
  • 7. Service culture has three significant ramifications for employee service providers: 1.A service culture is established when people recognize the value of excellent service. 2. Both internal and external consumers get excellent service. Indeed, organizations are not only needed to care for their external customers, but they are also required to pay more attention to their service personnel (internal customers), who play a critical role in service delivery. 3. Providing excellent service is a way of life that comes easily since it is a necessary organizational standard. This policy acts as a glue to hold employee's attitudes, behaviors, and dedication to providing excellent customer service in one piece.
  • 8. To understand and address the demands of our customers, we must first create the service side of our organization, especially a service or customer focused culture. The service culture is focused on serving and delighting the customer, and it is defined by a strong dedication to providing excellent customer service. The customer comes first in a service culture, and everyone immediately puts the customer before anybody or anything else. To enable a service culture to flourish and thrive, management must have a strong desire to exist and the energy to guarantee that this desire spreads across the organization and stays there indefinitely. As a result, the service culture must begin at the top and spread across the organization. It is essential for everyone, from the top down, to think that they are working for the consumer. The obligation for customer service falls on the shoulders of everyone in the organization, not just one department.
  • 9. An organization's culture is a style of behaving, thinking, and acting that is learned and shared by the company members. Among the many definitions available, one that comes to mind is the standard philosophical and ideological framework and the shared values, assumptions, beliefs, attitudes, and conventions that bind a community together. In the presence of all of these interconnected characteristics, a group's implicit or explicit consensus on how its members should handle choices and situations is revealed. In other words, organizational culture refers to the way employees behave and think as they go about their daily tasks. It is just the way things are done around here. In addition to this, any culture is dynamic and continuously evolving, as anybody who has followed the evolution of adolescent music and fashion over the last decade will attest. Culture can influence its members while also being impacted by its members. Cultures will inevitably evolve due to the interaction between members throughout time as they cope with shifting conditions.
  • 10. When it comes to two fundamental concerns that all organizations must address: how to interact with the world outside of the organization and how to relate to one another, culture is a valuable tool for helping members of an organization cope with their differences. As a group learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal interaction, it develops a pattern of fundamental assumptions that have proven effective enough to be accepted as valid and, as a result, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive and think about those problems. Culture is a pattern of fundamental assumptions that have been invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal interaction. When dealing with the outside world, some managers define how their businesses should deal with it by having a closed or unfavorable view of it and creating a "us against them" cultural mindset. In this environment, members of an organization's culture are unreceptive to new ideas coming from outside; they tend to discard or downplay standard industry practices or innovations, and they are generally secretive about what their organization is doing and protective of its "proprietary knowledge."
  • 11. Managers attempting to establish an open-culture organization, on the other hand, constantly encourage their employees to grow and develop by interacting with others in the industry, benchmarking against best-practice organizations wherever they can be found, and taking into consideration ideas and innovations developed outside the organization's boundaries. It should come as no surprise that employees in these learning firms are more responsive to changes in consumer expectations and more adept at meeting customer demands. Consequently, the organization's culture symbolizes a shared learning process that continues over time as the people there adapt, grow, and develop while also reacting to a world that changes at the same rate. The world outside of the organization (which includes the physical, technical, and cultural environments) determines the activities and patterns of interactions for those organization members. They must engage with the external world. The environment establishes the possibilities, alternatives, and limits for a group from the outset. The group is forced to identify its primary mission or function if it is to survive. This must never be forgotten. As a result, the environment first drives the creation of culture; yet, once the culture is established in the form of shared assumptions, those assumptions, in turn, influence how the environment is viewed and described in the future.
  • 12. Developing Service Culture in Hospitality and Tourism Industry Over the last several years, the term service culture has gained signiFicant use. As the economy recovered and Firms became more stable, business owners began to emphasize developing a service culture that was appealing to employees. The value oF culture in the hospitality and tourism sector cannot be overstated. Workplace happiness is reFlected in the quality oF employees' work and how they interact with one another and visitors. Employees are the public Face oF most hospitality organizations, and their pleasure nearly immediately transFers into guests' satisFaction in such Firms. There are a variety oF ways that may be used to help you build a successFul service culture. It will make your staFF and customers happy, which will result in the growth oF your company. The Following are some oF the key points to develop service culture in hospitality and tourism industry.
  • 13. Begin by developing a brand vision For the organization. Decide what the organization wants to be renowned For and stick to it. Above and beyond customer service, low-cost lodging, adventure travel, and other activities are all possible Focuses For your organization. In any case, the organization may align its mission with a service culture that encourages contented employees and Fosters a great work environment. Although it is diFFicult, it is not impossible. The Ritz-Carlton is one oF the most notable examples. Service at the Ritz-Carlton is unmatched in the hospitality industry. Their service culture encourages staFF to go above and beyond to provide the most excellent possible customer experience. Employees Feel more in charge when they have a Feeling oF empowerment. 1.Defining Vision
  • 14. Every service culture has a compelling story to tell, and any hospitality and tourism organization should also have one. When the organization writes a company's history, they give the employees a sense oF belonging to something larger than themselves. It also assists its customers in comprehending the source oF their belieFs and ideals. Examine motivations For starting the organization in the First place. The waiters can exhibit that laid- back attitude. They will be more likely to comprehend what the organization is trying to achieve iF they understand its history. 2. Develop Company Story
  • 15. It is essential to recruit the most qualiFied candidates First. IdentiFying the personality qualities and capabilities you are seeking is the First step in hiring the appropriate personnel. When it comes to hiring, there's a Frequent saying that attitude is more important than ability since talents can be taught, but attitude cannot be taught. Participate in the recruiting process with your team members on board. You want to make sure everyone on the team Feels like they have a voice in any new hires, especially For more team-oriented jobs. During the interview process, be kind and welcoming. Some jobs need excessively thorough or intensive interviews, but you should put into practice what you teach.Throughout the process, always keep the applicants' best interests in mind. Look For applicants who are interested in developing their careers with the organization over the long run. However, many individuals seek mentoring when they begin working in the organization. Provide direction and possibilities For advancement when you do recruit a new member oF staFF. 3. Hiring the Right Employee
  • 16. Communication and transparency are inextricably linked. Once you have discovered excellent employees to work For you, make it a point to check in on them and talk with them Frequently. Organizational news and updates should be communicated to your employees in an open and honest manner regularly. Keeping everyone inFormed will assist everyone Feel like they are working as a part oF the same team and provide visitors with the greatest possible experience. Open communication is about sharing both victories and deFeats. However, it is Far easier said than done in practice. The most important thing is to ensure that employees are comFortable discussing their opinions and emotions without Fear oF being judged or punished. 4. Communication and Transparency
  • 17. Pay attention to what your staFF and customers have to say, both in- person and online. Having a clear understanding oF your surroundings will assist you in maintaining control over your company culture. Consider holding periodic temperature or pulse meetings to understand better what is going on in the organization. Also, consider using private internet Forums to solicit honest and Frank comments From your customers. Some employees may be uncomFortable bringing up issues and concerns in a public Forum, which is understandable. Employees may bring up a matter in a private online platForm, which allows them to do so in complete anonymity.
  • 18. Hospitality and tourism employees should believe that they are capable oF developing solutions For customers. This is particularly true in any business that is Focused on providing services. Whenever a customer has an issue, the employee should resolve it without the need to seek authorization From the top managers or the organization 100 percent oF the time. The Ritz Carlton, For example, is a brand that is well-known across the globe For its dedication to providing excellent customer service. Every single member oF the Ritz-Carlton employee must pay on every single customer per incident. This enables their whole staFF to eliminate issues immediately and without the need to go through a series oF hoops. Although not every organization can attach such a considerable sum oF money to every employee, creating a similar scheme may be advantageous in certain situations. A well-inFormed team makes sound judgments in the context oF the circumstance. This kind oF culture may be established by appropriate training and employees with the proper mentality. 5. Employees Empowerment
  • 19. For Employees that go beyond their duty should be rewarded in a customer service-oriented role. A good example oF this is rewarding an employee mentioned a certain number oF times on a comment card throughout the month. The organization's upsell strategy may need to reward staFF when they achieve their targets. In this way, service excellence will be achieved when the employees are motivated. 6. Employee Rewards
  • 20. The service structure oF any hospitality or tourism organization will probably have a signiFicant inFluence on the service culture oF the business. In a bureaucracy, only a limited number oF individuals have the authority to make decisions. Employees who work For such organizations are oFten leFt with the impression that their ideas do not matter. Structure your organization instead such that all employees Feel in control oF their work and careers. As a result, communication will improve, which will lead to better choices being made by those involved. We must never Forget that great solutions and ideas may come From anybody, regardless oF status or title. 7. Structure of the Organization
  • 21. Occasionally, the procedures themselves are the source oF the issue. When your employee is required to accomplish a job that requires a signiFicant amount oF documentation or several processes, it may lead to tension. Employees who are under the impression that they are working in a bureaucracy will have a negative impact on the service culture oF the organization. 8.Identifying the Problem Recognize and eliminate potential problems. Individuals may be a source oF problems at times. The procedures or systems are sometimes to blame. Employees are not required to exercise consistently. While you employ someone For a particular role, you may believe they are exceptional at that position, when in Fact, they may excel in a diFFerent area altogether. It is possible For any employee who does not Fit in with vour team to create a toxic workplace. It just takes one poor seed to wreak havoc on a whole crop. It will be simple to discover negative impacts iF you pay attention to your organization's culture and listen to your employees.
  • 22. Occasionally, the procedures themselves are the source oF the issue. When your employee is required to accomplish a job that requires a signiFicant amount oF documentation or several processes, it may lead to tension. Employees who are under the impression that they are working in a bureaucracy will have a negative impact on the service culture oF the organization. 8.Identifying the Problem Recognize and eliminate potential problems. Individuals may be a source oF problems at times. The procedures or systems are sometimes to blame. Employees are not required to exercise consistently. While you employ someone For a particular role, you may believe they are exceptional at that position, when in Fact, they may excel in a diFFerent area altogether. It is possible For any employee who does not Fit in with vour team to create a toxic workplace. It just takes one poor seed to wreak havoc on a whole crop. It will be simple to discover negative impacts iF you pay attention to your organization's culture and listen to your employees.
  • 23. The process oF building a strong service culture is never-ending. Making improvements regularly can help to create a service culture that will last and develop with the business. One-on-one meetings, mentoring opportunities, and quarterly training may all contribute to a more Favorable work environment. You are giving employees the chance to grow and learn new things. There are almost no limitations to the number oF things they can understand. Top management might teach employees job-speciFic skills such as upselling. However, iF the organization wants to learn more about the area, be creative and oFFer a training program. As hospitality and tourism business, you have a plethora oF options For learning while having Fun. 9. Lifelong-Learning
  • 24. When you employ individuals who are a good match For your company's service culture, you increase the likelihood oF obtaining a long-term commitment From them. However, there are other things you can do to engage employees with the goal oF your business. IF your organization, For example, believes in continuous service improvement, then motivate your employees by implementing continuous improvement practices at all levels oF the organization. By sending employees to conFerences and continuing education classes, you may help them grow their skills. It is necessary to make a certain customer experience a reality across the Firm iF you want people to oFFer that experience. IF you want your employees to stay motivated, they must sense the culture you are promoting. 9. Lifelong-Learning