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Savor Beauty Founder Angela Jia Kim

High-Vibe Rituals to Beat Your Skin and Soul Winter Blues

Written by: Savor Beauty



Time to read 3 min

As the temperature drops and the days become shorter, it's not unusual for both our skin and soul to experience the effects of the winter blues.

The air gets dryer, leaving our skin more parched than usual, and the chilly weather and reduced sunlight can take a toll on our mood. 

If you're having a case of the winter blues, know that you're not alone! Try these 4 self-love practices to raise your skin and soul vibration from the inside out. ❄️

1. Go Outside + Get Some Sun

Though it might feel like the last thing on Earth you want to do, find a reason to go outside!

Whether it's a quick Target run, a trip to the coffee shop, or a walk around the block, getting your body moving, breathing in fresh air, and feeling the sun on your face will not only boost your mood, it will also give you some much-needed energy.

Don't forget your SPF! Your skin needs protection, no matter what season it is. Wearing SPF consistently can help to prevent a laundry list of skin conditions including premature aging and fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and skin cancer.

Radiance Sun Milk SPF 50+, our clean, mineral sunscreen, is hydrating, soothing, and smells like the tropical beach getaway you've been dreaming of…

This formula is a winter favorite thanks to its moisture-boosting hyaluronic acid, soothing allantoin and bisabolol, and brightening niacinamide. Apply as the final step after cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer.

2. Refresh Your Space

Surrounding yourself with beautiful things can instantly elevate your mood, especially during the colder seasons when we spend more time indoors.

Our Essential Oil Diffuser is the perfect addition to any space. Designed to be displayed, this minimalist ceramic centerpiece uplifts your home with high vibrational spa aromas.

Pair with one of our 100% Pure Essential Oils to create a relaxing ambiance:

  • Soothe: Lavender essential oil will help you create a calming and relaxing aromatherapy experience at home. 
  • Chill: Peppermint essential oil is an instant, refreshing pick-me-up. 
  • Breathe: Eucalyptus essential oil will help you create an invigorating spa experience at home. 
  • Energize: Citrus essential oil inspires creativity and brings a fresh burst of joy your way!

3. Mask, Manifest, Meditate

Got 10 minutes? Treat your skin and soul together with this multitasking ritual for inner and outer nourishment. Repeat this ritual every weekend, or whenever your skin and soul are feeling a little drab and in need of a pick-me-up. ✨

  1. Apply an even layer of the soothing + detoxifying Manuka Honey Mask to your face. Learn more about the skin benefits of Manuka honey here.
  2. As you let the Manuka work its magic, spend 10-15 minutes with your Savor Beauty Planner to manage your to-do list, plan your self-care, write a gratitude list, and manifest the life you crave.
  3. Alternatively, you can use this time for mindful meditation. Embracing mindfulness allows you to cultivate a positive mindset and build resilience against the winter blues.
  4. Rinse the mask off, then layer your hydrating serums and creams onto your skin to seal in moisture.

Et voila! Your skin is now feeling fresh and renewed, your life is a little more figured out, and you've taken some time to recenter and reconnect with your inner self.

Doesn't it feel good to take care of yourself?

4. Get Inspired

Make yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and tune into our founder, Angela Jia Kim's, podcast tour. Take in her secrets to managing a 7-figure business, embracing her feminine energy, and radiating beauty from the inside out. 

For deeper insight into Angela's manifestation methods, pick up Radical Radiance, her debut book, and learn how to fall in love with your soul with 52 rituals to improve your relationship with your inner being. It's a magical self-love journey to manifesting abundance and joy... while looking and feeling gorgeous, juicy, and radiant! 

Engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Whether it's pursuing a creative hobby, reading a captivating book, or spending quality time with loved ones, prioritize activities that uplift your spirits and contribute to your overall happiness. Cultivating a sense of joy can be a powerful antidote to the winter blues.

Practice these 4 self-love rituals this season (or create your own!) to uplift your spirits, nourish your skin, and beat the winter blues. We promise spring will be here soon. ❤️

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