Twitter Mocks Hillary Clinton for Endorsing New Media Platform Verrit: ‘Already Doomed to Fail’


There’s a new Hillary Clinton-endorsed media platform making waves on the internet — and many aren’t impressed.

The site is called Verrit and it was created to provide “MEDIA FOR THE 65.8 MILLION” — in all caps. The founder & CEO of the site is Peter Dauo, a former Clinton adviser. He says the inspiration behind the platform is to provide content for Clinton voters, who he claims are “unrepresented in the media.”

Clinton endorsed the site just eight days prior to her new memoir’s release date, titled “What Happened?”

The outlet is designed to package content, including facts and quotes, and turn them into a published, shareable form of media. Verrit also includes a fact-checking feature, as all of their content includes authentication codes that allow users to ensure the information has been accurately shared from the site.

However, many on Twitter weren’t pleased with the former Democrat candidate’s new media platform of choice, as they took turns roasting the site, its founder Dauo, and Clinton for her election loss. Below are a few of the best responses:

[image via screengrab]

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Caleb Ecarma was a reporter at Mediaite. Email him here: Follow him on Twitter here: @calebecarma

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