

IT Services and IT Consulting

Knowledge base software for lightning-fast customer support and effortless self-service.

About us

AI-powered Knowledge base software for lightning-fast customer support and effortless self-service.📚🚀 💡Supercharge your customer service with an easy-to-use knowledge base. 🔥Deliver faster support, round-the-clock self-service, and increase the effectiveness of your support team. KnowledgeBase supercharges your customer support on both ends. 👉🏻You get an easy-to-use help center, article management, rich text editor, analytics, integrations and more, AI-powered features. There’s all you need to organize product knowledge and provide in-depth answers faster. 👉🏻At the same time, your customers can swiftly find answers in a friendly help center, day and night. With less repetitive queries, your team can take a closer look at trickier issues and make your customers even happier.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
2-10 employees

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