• Halia Valladares Montemayor, PhD

    Providing services: Market Research, Trade Shows, Career Development Coaching, Interview Preparation, Leadership Development, Life Coaching, Business Consulting, Educational Consulting, Non-profit Consulting, Pricing Strategy

    Garibaldi Highlands, BC

    Summary: Halia Valladares is the Dean of Science and Technology at Okanagan College. She's the forner Academic Dean at Quest University. She is a sessional faculty member at Simon Fraser University, and Managing Partner at Global Trading & DS, Inc. In addition, Halia has been Casa Mexico Foundation's Vancouver Director and the foundation's Vice- President and served in the Board of the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce as Director. She is former special projects Advisor to the Vice-President Academic at Capilano University and former Dean of the Faculty of Business and Professional Studies at CapU. Halia has been a business professional in leadership positions for over two decades. She has been a university Professor and scholar for the past 19 years. She has served in different administrative positions in universities in different countries for over 14 years. She also has international business experience in the private sector, and was the Traffic, Shipping and Receiving Supervisor for a Fortune 100 Corporation. She earned her Doctoral Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Burgos University, Spain. She also holds a MBA in International Trade and a Master of Science in International Logistics from Texas A & M International University, USA and she is a Certified International Trade Professional in Canada (FITT-CITP). Halia has participated in over 100 international conferences as speaker. She has authored more than 20 research publications for journals, book chapters and books in Mexico, Spain, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Pakistan, Cuba, USA, etc. Specialties: International Logistics and Trade. Scientific research in Business Ethics, Circular Economy, Management Accounting, International logistics and Econophysics.

  • Lindiwe Kwele

    Providing services: Business Consulting, Brand Consulting, Project Management, Financial Consulting, HR Consulting, Management Consulting, Event Production, Trade Shows, Financial Analysis, Strategic Planning

    City of Johannesburg

    5.0 (1 review) Overall rating of 5 based on 1 review

    Summary: Chief Executive Officer at Gauteng Partnership Fund, a partner of choice in catalysing the funding and development of integrated and sustainable human settlements in Gauteng . A former Acting GCEO & GCOO at South African Post Office(SAPO) responsible for giving strategic leadership & direction to SAPO group. I was accountable for effective oversight over group Operations in developing and implementing Mail/Parcel/ Retail Operations, Transport + Logistics, Technical Services and Properties as well as Regional Management operational strategies to support business objectives and improve the company's competitive position and profitability. Also former Deputy City Manager of City of Tshwane charged with a responsibility of leading, directing and overseeing the Strategy Development and Implementation Cluster. This portfolio included amongst others development of long-term (Tshwane, Vision2055) and medium-term (Integrated Development Plan) strategies, City planning, development and facilitation, programme management of key catalytic projects such as the inner city regeneration, west capital, centurion development, Hatfield and township upgrading programme, economic development facilitation and promotion, Tourism, Customer relationship management, Group property management, and lastly Organisational performance and reporting. I lead the first ever municipal Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the City of Tshwane.Former CEO of Joburg Tourism &Durban Tourism. Professionally I exemplify South Africa’s dynamic new breed of senior executives – principled, honest, energetic, hardworking and well networked. I embrace the principles of good corporate governance, Ubuntu and high positive returns of implementing strategies towards the realization of a vision, outcomes and impacts. I hold a Master of Business Administration from Wales University, Advance Business Programme (Natal Technikon BSU) and Bachelor of Administration from University of Durban Westville (Economics and Public Administration), Executive Excellence Leadership Programme from Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)as well as Municipal Finance Management Programme (MFMP)from University of Pretoria. I co-authored Chapter 11 of A Practical introduction to Public Management Edition 1 published in 2017. ISBN-13: 9780199076901 A board member of Ubuntu Foundation and Eagles Leadership Forum

  • Havana Robinson

    Providing services: Trade Shows

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Summary: At Lozenge Technology, our mission is to provide Offensive Security services that help organizations identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors globally. Our team of experienced hackers are passionate about sharing their expertise to raise awareness and inspire new talent in the field. We are involved in Bug Bounty Hunting Programs, helping companies identify and fix security flaws in their software and systems. Our approach is focused on helping the Information Security industry understand how important the presence of Offensive Security is in today's era. By using real-world tactics and techniques, we provide a comprehensive security assessment that goes beyond traditional security measures. Our solutions include Penetration Testing, which simulates real-world attacks to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in your network, applications, and systems. We also provide Vulnerability Assessment services, which identify weaknesses and prioritize them based on risk level. Mission Help our customers easily detect and understand vulnerabilities in their systems and infrastructures. Vision Build the most intuitive and easy-to-use penetration testing and vulnerability assessment platform. Our values Ethics We are committed to stick to the White side of hacking and we do not encourage any unethical activities. Trust We deliver what we promise and we value our customers' trust in everything we do. Quality We don't like poorly written software and unreliable results. That's why we strive to build a platform our users can always rely on.

  • Ginisha Dhankani

    Providing services: Financial Accounting, Financial Planning, Financial Analysis, Event Coordination, Trade Shows, Advertising, Email Marketing, HR Consulting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Digital Marketing


    Summary: I had a great experience at amity university where i have participated in different events being a team leader or even a follower.

  • Alice N.

    Providing services: Corporate Events, Event Coordination, Event Planning, Wedding Planning, Trade Shows, Brand Marketing, Content Marketing, Human Resources (HR), Project Management


    Summary: Look forward to a challenging career in operating units towards implementing human resources program & solving performance problems.

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  • Gülay Şele

    Providing services: Public Relations, Brand Consulting, Marketing Consulting, Advertising, Event Planning, Corporate Events, Trade Shows, Product Launch Events, Customer Support, Visual Design


  • Rayane Bensafi

    Providing services: Corporate Training, Negotiation, Interview Preparation, Trade Shows, Corporate Events, Appointment Scheduling, Human Resources (HR), Customer Support, Customer Service


    Summary: 🌍 Spécialiste en Énergies Renouvelables | Plus de 6 ans d'expérience Je suis passionné par les énergies renouvelables et je travaille dans ce domaine depuis plus de six ans. Mon parcours m'a permis de gérer des projets d'énergie solaire, d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique et de développer des stratégies durables pour un avenir plus vert. 🎯 Mes Compétences : Gestion de projets : J'ai dirigé des projets solaires du début à la fin. Amélioration de la performance : J'ai optimisé l'efficacité énergétique de différents systèmes. Relations humaines et partenariats : J'ai travaillé étroitement avec divers partenaires et clients, en mettant l'accent sur des relations humaines solides et une communication transparente. Connaissance des politiques : Je suis bien informé sur les réglementations et les politiques environnementales. 🌟 Ce que J'ai Réalisé : Projets photovoltaïques : J'ai réduit les émissions de CO2 avec des projets solaires réussis. Intégration d'énergies renouvelables : J'ai aidé à intégrer des solutions d'énergie verte dans des bâtiments et des infrastructures existantes. Financements : J'ai obtenu des fonds pour des projets d'énergie renouvelable grâce à des arguments solides. Conférences : J'ai participé à des conférences et des groupes de travail sur les énergies renouvelables. 🔧 Mon Approche : Je crois en une approche collaborative et innovante pour développer des solutions énergétiques durables. Je mets un point d'honneur à entretenir des relations humaines solides avec mes clients et collaborateurs, en les écoutant attentivement et en répondant à leurs besoins de manière personnalisée. 👥 Mon Engagement : En dehors de mon travail, je suis actif dans des initiatives communautaire (foires, salons) pour promouvoir les énergies renouvelables et sensibiliser le public. 📈 Ma Vision : Je suis toujours à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités pour innover et améliorer les solutions d'énergie renouvelable. Mon objectif est de contribuer à un avenir durable et de faire avancer la transition énergétique tout en valorisant les relations humaines dans tous mes projets.

  • Manu Parthsarthy

    Providing services: Graphic Design, Interior Design, Visual Design, Brand Design, Print Design, Event Planning, Trade Shows, Wedding Planning, Event Production


  • Jeffrey Lambert

    Providing services: Engineering Design, Project Management, Training, Leadership Development, Team Building, Resume Review, Interview Preparation, Trade Shows, Customer Service, Customer Support

    Greater Seattle Area

    Summary: As the owner and master electrician of First Choice Electrical and Solar, I provide professional, reliable, and high-quality electrical and solar services to the Greater Seattle Area. I have a valid EL-02 license from the Washington Department of Labor and Industries, and I am fully licensed, bonded, and insured. I have over five years of experience in residential, commercial, and photovoltaic installations, from roof work to grid connection. I handle all aspects of permitting, design, installation, and maintenance of solar systems, whether on-grid or off-grid. I also have an associate degree in marketing from the University of Delaware, which helps me to promote my business and communicate effectively with my clients. My mission is to operate with integrity, professionalism, and craftsmanship, and to make solar energy dependable, sustainable, and attainable.

  • Elsie COMBETTO

    Providing services: Brand Consulting, Event Coordination, Wedding Planning, Event Planning, Event Photography, Trade Shows, Catering, Public Relations, Copywriting, Event Marketing


    Summary: Communication, journalisme : Elaboration de stratégie et de plan de communication, rédaction d’articles, édition des bulletins d’informations, réalisation de reportages et d’émissions radio, télévision photographie numérique et traitement d’images, reportages de terrain, évènementiel et logistique (organisation de réunions, ateliers, séminaires, conférences de presse, animations, impresario, etc. Sensibilisation des Parties prenantes : Identification des parties prenantes, prise de contact avec les parties prenantes, organiser des cadres de concertations avec les parties prenantes, conception et diffusion des messages pour le changement de comportement Gestion de l’information/connaissances : Collecte, traitement et diffusion de l’information, acquisition de documents et gestion de base et banque de données, Production de rapports et de compte rendus, d’articles, capitalisation ; valorisation d'expériences, Recherche Action. Gestion de l’information électronique : Conception de bases de données, réalisation et gestion de newsletters, recherche d’information sur tous supports.