From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Set proofing and autocorrect options

Set proofing and autocorrect options

- [Instructor] One thing that can quickly turn your great looking Microsoft Word document into something unprofessional is if it contains spelling and grammar errors and other issues like capitalization and using the wrong words. Well, it's good to know there are a number of tools built into Word to help you with that. And in this movie, we're going to explore something known as the autocorrect options. You'll often see things get fixed for you on the fly without you even having to do anything. It's called autocorrect. It's what we're going to explore with a brand new blank document. So if you need to go up to file and select blank document. With a blank page here, we're ready to start typing. Let's try typing in the word memorandum, but don't capitalize the M in memorandum. Just type in memorandum and press enter. Look what happens. Automatically, it's capitalized for you. And that's something that should happen at…
