From the course: What Is Generative AI?

The most famous tools for Generative AI - DALL-E Tutorial

From the course: What Is Generative AI?

The most famous tools for Generative AI

- During this part of the course, we will be getting more familiar with some of the most well-known types of generative AI models, and some of the applications they cover. Think of generative AI models, let's use the metaphor, food. Under the term food, you find salads, soups, caviar, stews, fresh vegetables, and just like food, under the umbrella term of generative AI, you find several options depending on what you are craving for. So this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list of all the applications and all the models, but think of it more like a guide to the generative AI landscape and how you can make use of it. But keep in mind that this landscape is changing dramatically every single day. And there's a very good chance that when you're watching this course, there will be lots and lots of new players, models, and applications already born. But that's what makes it so exciting. So let's start exploring some of the main models together.
