From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

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Quick tip: Light wrap

Quick tip: Light wrap

- In this movie, we're to look at creating a light wrap effect that we can then save, and then reuse inside of After Effects with the collection of effects that we'll use to build this. So I have a foreground and a background layer. The foreground was a green screen clip that I used a Green Screen effect, but I used a keyer in order to remove the green screen. And here we have the background layer. I want these to be blended in better together. And that is where light wrap comes in. I want that background plate light to wrap around the edges of my subject here. Now, in order to start this up, we're going to work directly on the foreground layer. And the first effect that we're going to rely on is something called Set Channels. We're going to apply that Set Channels effect onto the foreground layer, and set each of our red, green and blue channels to look at the background layer. So we can easily do that from the Source…
