From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows

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Creating green-screen previsualization

Creating green-screen previsualization

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows

Creating green-screen previsualization

- Pre-visualization is creating an initial effect. Now, most people don't think of Premiere Pro as a tool for pre-visualization, but it is actually quite capable. That's because a lot of the tools in Premiere Pro were actually also in early versions of After Effects, and so it became very easy. What Premiere has is the ability to work in real time, which is often important as you're trying to really rough things out. Now, let's do a basic effect shot and keep working in the same project. Over here, I'm going to open up three pre-viz and I'll press + to zoom in a little bit. I'll click on window, workspace, and switch to the effects panel. Now, what you're seeing here is a couple of interesting things. First up, the top layer is an actual scene of a person watching television, but we are playing back a bright green movie file on the screen so we can swap out the content of the screen with anything else. This is a very…
