From the course: Unreal: Substance Designer Workflow

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Material with exported textures

Material with exported textures

- [Instructor] Now we're just going to take a look quickly at the traditional material building process in Unreal and many of you may be very, very familiar with this but I just wanted to include it just so we have an example of you know, using substance in multiple ways. Clearly we've looked at the awesomeness of being able to integrate the substance archive into Unreal to generate all these textures, give it a change parameters and be able to have all this awesome automated texture and material linking going on. And now we're just going to import the textures that we had imported previously from Substance Designer. So I'm going to go to my Content folder, I'm going to go in to my Texture folder, I'll make a new folder called ALTAR_01, open that up and I'll hit Import. And now we're going to go to our Ch 03 folder and we're going to go to our Substance folder, Export, and here are the five PNGs that we had exported previously. So I'll open those up. Unreal will import them, going to…
