From the course: Unreal: Content Pipeline

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Enable Substance plugin in Unreal

Enable Substance plugin in Unreal - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal: Content Pipeline

Enable Substance plugin in Unreal

- [Instructor] Now that we've downloaded and installed the Substance plugin for Unreal Engine, now we need to enable it. In our just empty default project here, I'm going to go to Edit > Plugins, and you can see that under this Installed area here we've got our two plugins, we have the Houdini Engine plugin installed, and now, we've also added the Substance plugin, and it is in there, but it is not enabled, so we need to enable it. Then you can see the Editor must be restarted for the plugin changes to take effect, so say Restart Now. This is just one of those finicky little steps, you'd think, oh, I've installed it, so it's there, but you have to do this enable step as well for the Editor. OK, great, so now the Substance plugin is installed. What we're going to do now, now that we have it installed there, is I'm going to go under Edit > Project Settings. If we scroll down to the bottom here, you can see now under Plugins, we have a Substance, a little tab here. Now I have settings…
