From the course: UX Writing Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Guide to UX Writing

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Where is UX writing used?

Where is UX writing used?

(bright music) - UX writing is a specialized form of writing that focuses on crafting the language and content of digital products to help guide users through their experience. The right words can make all the difference in creating a positive and intuitive user experience. The writing itself, though, can come from many sources. UX writers don't always write copy. They may instead be tasked with refining and editing existing copy. So where can you find UX writing? Everywhere. UX writing is found in everything from button labels and error messages to onboarding copy and product descriptions. Words on websites, mobile apps, chatbots, and more were probably written or edited by a UX writer. UX writers work closely with other members of the UX design team to ensure that the words they write are aligned with the overall design vision and user experience goals. They collaborate with designers, developers, subject matter experts, researchers, and other members of the product team to create…
