From the course: Trello for Video Post Production

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Workflow checklist templates

Workflow checklist templates - Trello Tutorial

From the course: Trello for Video Post Production

Workflow checklist templates

- After laying out your general guidelines and then mapping out your delivery schedule, my next recommendation is to create checklists for any repeated actions that you're going to do throughout the course of your project. It's best to map out the various steps of your workflow at the beginning of your project so that when things get crazy and you're working in the heat of the moment, you don't have to stress out wondering what steps you've missed. If everything is in a checklist, you can essentially outsource the steps and just follow them mindlessly without stress inhibiting your memory. So the place to start is creating a new card that I call New Episode Checklists and Templates. I'm just going to put this at the top. And what I'm going to do is start creating my various workflow checklists. So in a previous lesson I showed you how to attach documents. And one more time, I'm going to attach this Avid Workflow Guide that we have for one of our episodes, just so I have the document…
