From the course: Trello for Agile Teams

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Create a retrospective board

Create a retrospective board - Trello Tutorial

From the course: Trello for Agile Teams

Create a retrospective board

- [Instructor] One of the key parts of being an Agile team is coming up with ways to improve the process at the end of every Sprint. So for that, we have our Sprint Retrospective. So we're still on the Romulan's Team Sprint Review Board. But let's go over to boards here. We're going to create a new board. Click on Create a New Board. This time we're going to do the color right at the beginning. We're just going to make it red. Then we're going to call this our Romulan's Team Sprint Board. So if you hit Create Board, you'll see it creates this nice red board for us. And so why don't we just close out this menu here? Now we have a little bit more room. So let's create our first list. And we'll call it our inbox. This'll be all the information we want coming into our retrospective. It could be uncompleted user stories, big ideas, it could be anything. It just has to be part of the process improvement. Now we're going to…
