From the course: Securing Containers and Kubernetes Ecosystem

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Secure code

Secure code

- [Instructor] Secure architecture and threat modeling will get your engineering team to a solid foundation. But there is no guarantee that the code developers will write will be free of bugs. More specifically, the security bugs. Securing code requires a multi-pronged approach. The approach includes peer code reviews, automated scanning of the code and the software components at various stages in your software development life cycle. Poor and unsafe programming habits leads to security bugs in the code. These innocent-looking security bugs, if not fixed early, will morph into security vulnerabilities in your containers running in the production. This process of identifying security issues in the source code by scanning and analyzing is popularly known as static analysis security testing, or SAST in short. Educate your developers to write secure code in the first place. Train them on how to use the output of these…
