From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

Why are stories important? - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

Why are stories important?

- You might be asking yourself how could a story be so important? Well, contrary to popular belief, storytelling is not there to solely amuse and entertain, but rather to set the stage for meaningful communication and trust building. Without a surprise, stories come with a few defining facets. Number one, connection. Good stories forge emotional connections between people and ideas. Great stories build communities with shared values which the audience wants to be a part of. For example, you can tell a story about your new product, a personal computer with enormous computing power, incredible storage capacity, and top-of-the-line screen quality. Or you can create a world that stands for something greater than your product, a world that lets your audience see why 1984 won't be like 1984. Number two, relatability. Whether it's the adventures of Indiana Jones, or the space escapades of Lieutenant Ellen Ripley, I'm sure that at one point or another, you have imagined being them and wanting to become part of their adventures. This is because they project qualities that you value or aspire to: bravery, honesty, determination, et cetera. A story well-told has the power to break language barriers, transcend culture and time, and unite people in a way no other tool or method can. Lastly, number three, timelessness. According to multiple organizational psychologists, learning that stems from stories is remembered more accurately and for far longer than learning derived from facts and figures. Therefore, it is important for your stories to provide context and have a purpose that speaks to certain essential human values. These stories stick for eternity. All three of these facets make storytelling a great component of the modern workplace and an essential skill to have across any industry. Now, before we proceed to the next video and section, I would advise you to take a look at the exercise files, as they'll be our guide and central knowledge hub throughout the entire course.
