From the course: Start a Business Online

Introduction to starting a business online

From the course: Start a Business Online

Introduction to starting a business online

- Oh, everybody's telling you how easy it is. Oh, that's a great idea, why don't you put it online? Well, I'm glad you're here and I'm glad you're with me, because let's get a few things straight. So I find myself in the fortunate position that people pitch me all the time. I'm a shark on Australian Shark Tank. I'm Naomi Simson, the founder of Red Balloon and the co-founder of the Big Red Group. I've written books about how to start businesses, Ready to Soar, in fact, was a best-seller here. And why did I write that? Why am I doing this course? It's because I want you to think about the fundamentals. I want you to be successful, and doing a little bit of work before you start might save you a fortune.
