From the course: Problem-Solving Techniques

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Find the best solution

- Something that often gets forgotten is that choosing between options isn't always the answer. What if none of the options is really good enough? An example of this would be recruiting a person. What if the best candidate is okay? In fact, quite good, but not excitingly brilliant. A friend of mine calls these people the 40 percenters. Not bad enough to fire, but not really good enough either. Should we give them the job? If we really need someone is quite good. Good enough for your organization. If you decide no, then you have to go through all the time and cost of recruiting all over again just to get someone a bit better. But maybe you should. So, how do we decide if a possible solution is good enough? Well, if you're going to be scientific about it, then you would have criteria. And these would be the must-haves and the nice-to-haves. And if the solution that you are considering is missing even one of the must-haves…
