From the course: Podcasting for Enterprises

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From the course: Podcasting for Enterprises

Corporate communications and culture building

- [Instructor] Walt Disney World may be the happiest place on earth, but with such a large organization, a degree of connection between leadership and employees is crucial. Without this connection, employees can lose sight of the bigger picture and the happiest place can quickly become the unhappiest place on earth. That's why executives have decided to connect with their cast members or employees on a weekly basis using podcasts. Let's take a look at how Vice Presidents at Walt Disney World use podcasts to share stories, recognize cast members, and meet them face to face. Walt Disney World has over 70,000 cast members working in the resort. Dan Cockerell, who was Vice President of the Magic Kingdom one of the parks at the resort, couldn't meet all of his 25,000 employees. So he started a podcast to have meaningful contact with all of his employees on a weekly basis. He also spent time walking around the park daily, but he…
