From the course: PlanGrid and Autodesk Build: Working in the Field

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Create and manage RFIs

Create and manage RFIs

- A formal request for information known as RFI, is used when information is required, from other project members. In this lesson, I will show you how to create and manage RFIs on Autodesk build. To get started, open a project for which you want create and manage RFIs and from the Product picker, at the top left corner on the screen, make sure you're on a build model. From the left navigation menu here, click the RFIs, to get started. So to create RFIs on the web, you click under create RFI button here. If that's your first time, and then, this brings up the create RFI dialogue. So the dialogue has several fields, that can be filled out to provide context, for the projects. And the following things are mandatory. First, you have the Steelers. So the action banner drives the steelers, once RFI, is submitted, and then, you have RFI number. So this supports, these capabilities. First, you have…
