From the course: Logo Design: Illustrating Logo Marks

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Shape building methods

Shape building methods

- [Instructor] When it comes to creating and building vector-based designs thinking in shapes will help you figure out how to approach any project using simple geometric forms via the shape tools and pathfinder methods in Adobe Illustrator. So let me demonstrate this for you. So we have this thumbnail sketch. This is, anybody could draw this. It's just to encapsulate the idea or capture the essence of the idea of a dove with a wing that also reflects a peace sign. So we're going to build this out. So what's the easiest place to start? Well first, I like to tint these. so let's go to 20% and we'll lock this layer. The first place to start is discerning where to place simple geometric shapes. Let's go ahead and zoom in on this so you can see it a little easier and we'll turn on this layer and this is where I'll just take simple geometric shapes in this case, the ellipse tool to create most of this wing and the top of…
