From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Sound check from the monitor position

Sound check from the monitor position

It's time for sound check. The band comes onto the stage and they play a couple of songs to help them support themselves through a show. So they can check out what the building sounds like. They can check where the seats are as well as when they get up on stage they know that we have checked everything. And that they're ready. During this process is when I listen to each of the individual band mixes. I can listen to what they are hearing making sure it sounds like I know it's supposed to sound. I run the song just like I would run it during the show. For the most part, I'm listening to everything on stage. I'm listening to the drums. I'm listening to the vocals. I'm listening to my own effects. Doing this to make sure that when it comes showtime in about two and a half hours, that everything that I know is correct now, will be correct later. And it's stress free because there's no audience there.
