From the course: Learning SOLIDWORKS PCB

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Component properties and inserting ports

Component properties and inserting ports

From the course: Learning SOLIDWORKS PCB

Component properties and inserting ports

- [Instructor] To jump into some component properties I can right click on a specific component and just go into properties. Or maybe an even faster shortcut than that, is just to double click on any component. That's going to jump me into the properties as well. Here I have a number of properties I can change, I can add a whole number of parameters if needed. I can change a description or id, a designator and so on. In this case, I'm going to leave pretty much the defaults. Maybe I'll just change the designator to U1 here and of course I could change whatever other values I may need and hit OK once I'm finished. And I can see that's automatically coming in on my component here. If I need to move a component at any time, again very simple, just click and drag to change the location of any component as well. And another very useful tool is the Power Ports. So, again if I go to my Home tab and jump into Power Port here, and here I'm probably going to place a lot of the schematic symbols…
