From the course: Learning SOLIDWORKS PCB

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- [Justin] In this course, we've learned the fundamentals of the SOLIDWORKS PCB software, including how to generate electrical schematics, PCB layouts, and a number of final outputs. Some suggested next steps to help improve your learning even further would be to check out any learning courses on SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Electrical, or even Altium, as Altium Designer is quite similar to our SOLIDWORKS PCB. Another great source of information that I like to use is right within the PCB software itself, and that's just the help files. So I can go up to my search bar up here in the top right corner and I can start to type help, and we have a number of help options that I can just click on, that's gonna open up in a separate browser, as an example. Or I can do the same just from my File drop-down, Help, and I can read about the software or I can open some existing documentation here. And that's going to open up in a browser of your choice here. Just a bunch of great SOLIDWORKS PCB…
