From the course: Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)

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Adding attachments

Adding attachments

Attachments are useful when there's a lot of text information to include, or when there's non-text information like spreadsheets, diagrams, images, or screenshots. Attach supporting files right away or add them as soon as the information is available. You can attach almost any file type, but be sure to admit special characters from file names. Some file types have special features. For example, image attachments have thumbnail previews. If you can't attach files or the file size exceeds the limit, contact your Jira administrator. The size limit is configurable. Another option, upload large files to another location like Confluence and simply link to the file. There are multiple ways to attach additional information to issues. First, click the "Attach" option in the issues toolbar. You can attach one or more files from your computer. You can also drag a file to the issue to attach it. Here's a tip. Give a file a nice name before uploading it. You can't rename the file through the Jira…
