From the course: Learning Google Classroom 2016

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Manage teacher tasks

Manage teacher tasks

- [Voiceover] Now we've taken a look at how to use Announcements, Questions, and Assignments in Google Classroom. Hopefully you're confident in how to create these, as well as view student responses. Once your class goes live, though, things can get chaotic and you're going to want to make sure that you have a system in place so that you can stay up-to-date and organized. In this video I want to go over a few tips and tricks that will help you to manage your workflow. My first suggestion is to number your assignments. I'm going to click here on my Animal Behavior, section one. And rather than calling an assignment Project Proposal, I suggest that you give it a number. I'll click here on Edit, and I'm going to name it 001 - Project Proposal. Now I like to use three digit numbers so that I can easily sort them in Google Drive and have the option for up to a thousand different combinations. Now instead of a title like Project Proposal, I'm going to use one like 001 - Project Proposal. My…
