From the course: Learning Data Governance

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The role of data governance in the Internet of Things

The role of data governance in the Internet of Things

From the course: Learning Data Governance

The role of data governance in the Internet of Things

- We've spent the last few decades rapidly connecting people all over the world to the internet. Today, there are over 4.6 billion people connected. That still means a few billion more have yet to get online. At some point, we'll reach the maximum number of people who can be connected. With almost eight billion people on the planet, there is an upper limit. The same can't be said for connecting devices to the internet. Around 35 billion things, other than humans, are connected today. The number of new devices being attached to the internet is projected to hit around 75 billion by 2025, and there's no upper limit. These connected devices, what we're now calling the internet of things or IoT, are being introduced into many aspects of society, from connecting thermostats and doorbells in our homes to putting IoT sensors on factoring machines and on traffic signals. IoT devices are improving services and adding new…
