From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

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Understanding Ingress and Ingress controllers

Understanding Ingress and Ingress controllers - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Kubernetes: Your First Project

Understanding Ingress and Ingress controllers

- [Instructor] It's time to create the Ingress. Before we do so, let's explain how they work. In Kubernetes, an Ingress is a reverse proxy that enables external access into other Kubernetes resources. If you've ever used an application load balancer like AWS Application Load Balancer, very appropriately named, Azure API Gateway or Google's Cloud Load Balancer, or if you've ever used a quote unquote, "Bare Metal Load Balancer" like F5's BIG-IP, then the Kubernetes Ingress will probably be familiar to you. But if you haven't, do not panic. What we're doing with Explore California and NginX is actually very, very similar to how Ingresses work here. Here's a great diagram from the Kubernetes documentation that explains how Ingresses work. First, you provide your Ingress with a series of routing rules which are summarized here in the middle. Like all make rules earlier, routing rules perform an action when given a name in…
