From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Notification summaries

Notification summaries

- [Instructor] As we rely more and more on apps to help us with our day-to-day activities, we're seeing more and more notifications pop up on screen all the time. And even though notifications are relatively unobtrusive, having a bunch of them constantly popping up can be very distracting, especially when many of the notifications aren't urgent. Now, we've seen that you can turn notifications for certain apps off, or you can turn notifications off altogether, but those aren't always the best solutions. So, let's take a look at a feature called Notification Summaries, which is a feature that allows you to control when notifications from specific apps are delivered to you. We're going to go into Settings, to Notifications, and here you'll find Scheduled Summary. We're going to turn the switch on to enable it. So, basically, the Scheduled Summary feature allows you to bundle non-urgent notifications together and receive them as a…
