From the course: Interaction Design: Projects and Platforms

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Designing intranets

Designing intranets

- [Instructor] Working in a corporate environment often means that as an employee, you'll be using a lot of internal tools. Some tools are role-specific like development tools for developers to release their code or internal tools for sales teams. But the internal tool that every employee needs is the intranet. Intranets are often the starting point to get to other internal tools that employees use. Corporate intranets help employees find information about company policies, holidays, benefits information, and events around the company. Intranets reinforce the company's brand and serve as a community for employees while keeping them engaged in ongoing company news. The cost of a poorly-designed intranet is directly related to employee productivity. The amount of time it takes to search and read through content is time away from doing work. If the employee doesn't find what they're looking for, sometimes they have to file a ticket or ask others who have to send off emails in search of…
