From the course: Interaction Design: Interface

Aesthetics in user interface - Sketch Tutorial

From the course: Interaction Design: Interface

Aesthetics in user interface

- UX designers are responsible for the entire user experience, and aesthetics are an important part of that. The user interface, or UI, is typically what people think of when they think of UX design. The user interface is the output of the work we did to create the right flows and define the underlying structure based on the understanding we have of our customers and the business problem. The role of visual design in user interface design is to first reinforce the brand. The brand application for user interfaces can include things like color, animation, illustration, imagery, iconography, and tone of voice in a text. For example, when looking at different user interfaces, you can see how the brand permeates throughout these various elements. The brand is the emotional connection established with customers and reinforces the relationship in all touchpoints. Design systems will often have branded elements baked into the components, so if you work with a design system, the brand will already be represented. Second, visual design enhances aesthetic appeal. Aesthetic appeal refers to the perceived beauty of a product. Of course this is very subjective, but if the design is perceived to be more beautiful, people will want to use it. Just by taking a look at these two sites, both focused on jury selection, which would you prefer to use? Most likely the right one because it looks a little more organized and easier to scan and read. And lastly, to enhance usability. Visual design enhances usability in a few different ways. Iconography, for example, can help provide some quick guidance on how to use a tool. Hierarchy and layout help us determine prioritization of information. Readability and scannability helps keep the information organized and legible. The visual interface helps to guide the user to understand how to navigate the experience and provides subtle cues using principles of perception to communicate how elements on the page are related to each other. Visual design also helps us with affordance, we understand how to use something based on its design. For example, buttons on the user interface represent pressing of real-life buttons. And this timer interaction provides clues on how this app will work. Visual design is an important aspect of the user experience and aids in enhancing usability, reinforcing the brand and providing visual and aesthetic appeal.
