From the course: Implementing a Privacy, Risk, and Assurance Program

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Data sharing

Data sharing

- [Instructor] Before I discuss data sharing risks and techniques, let me share an insight that privacy professionals need to understand. Data governance, which includes classification and inventory is not a check the box theoretical nice to have. When done correctly, it'll help you use data more efficiently and safely to boost your business and protect your customers. If anybody wants proof, let me show you how data governance helps you with data sharing. For many businesses, if not all, data sharing is key for business growth, but also as a privacy risk vector. A key challenge for your privacy program will need to balance two imperatives. The first is the need for your business to share data for operational efficiency, as well as to monetize user engagement. The second is to build privacy controls in the data, as well as share data as safely as possible. Building these privacy controls is important since companies are…
