From the course: iMovie 10.1.16 Essential Training

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Use green screen effects

Use green screen effects

- [Instructor] One of the more fun features you'll find in iMovie, is its ability to superimpose one clip over another using a green or blue screen effect. To accomplish this effect, one of your clips has to include a green or blue background. iMovie can automatically remove the green or blue parts of the scene, letting you see through those parts of the footage to the footage from the clip underneath it. So again, to accomplish this effect, you have to be shooting in front of a green or blue background. And it has to be one of those two colors and not any other color. And the brighter and more saturated the green or blue the better. And even though you can buy green screen paints and backdrops, there's no need to spend a lot of money or get really fancy. So I have two clips here in my event browser where I'm standing in front of a green background. To create these examples, I just went to a local hardware store and…
