From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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Lighting the green screen for even exposure

Lighting the green screen for even exposure

- Okay, let's switch over from photo to video and as such, we have to take a slightly different approach. Matt, I see we've placed two lights here and they're matching. Why is it important to have the same light on two sides of the backdrop? - Well Rich, the most important part of lighting in a green screen evenly, is that we have two lights, an equal distance position, so that we're getting an even fill right across the backdrop. We want to try and limit how much variation we have in the backdrop in the lighting. That way it's going to help us pull great key when we're in post-production. We just have nice even lighting across the back. - And in this case, we're using Kino Flow type lights, there's many lights out there. But this is an affordable light. If you're looking at LED lights, they tend to be a lot more expensive, and in this case, these are really like the long florescent bulbs you might see in a shop or in…
