From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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Working with the camera histogram

Working with the camera histogram

- Now that we've got our talent lights set, we wan to verify the exposure by using a histogram. So you can see here, the histogram is right in the corner of our screen and what it's doing is it's measuring brightness values with the darkest being on the left side, and the brightest being on the right side. Now you can see there are two spikes here, the spike on the left hand side is our subject's black shirt and a little bit of her skin as well. The spike here in the center, that is the green screen. So you can see that the spike is very narrow and that indicates to us that the green screen is very evenly lit, which is great. Getting the exposure correct is really important when we're doing green screen. So let me show you what happens as we change the exposure. So I'm going to decrease the ISO, and you can see our histogram starts to move a little bit more to the left, meaning the values are getting darker,…
