From the course: Google Slides: Design and Deliver Great Presentations

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Present online

Present online

- You've finished your presentation. Now it's showtime. You have more than a few presentation options. You can present it in person, screencast it to another device, share it in an online meeting, publish it on the web or all the above. To present your slideshow in person, from your computer, open your slideshow. Then click the slideshow button at the top. The slideshow fills the screen. You can play the slides with a remote or by tapping the arrow keys on your keyboard. Tap on the keyboard escape key to exit the full screen. Screencasting allows you to cast the show to another screen like a projector screen, TV set, or other monitors that have a Chromecast device attached. To present, click on the slideshow menu then select present on another screen. Now you'll see all available Chromecast-enabled monitors and TV sets. The device must be active and on the wifi network for it to show up on this list. To present online…
