From the course: Google Slides: Design and Deliver Great Presentations

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Create a structure

Create a structure

- Do you remember the last time you listened to a disorganized, chaotic presentation? It may have made sense of the presenter but it left you feeling confused and frustrated. You can avoid this pitfall with your presentations by creating a logical organization and structure for your message. Get started by asking yourself a few questions. What's the outcome I want to achieve? What action do I want my audience to take? How do I get the audience to the destination? And what story do they need to hear? From the audience's viewpoint, it's your job as the presenter to inform them about where you're taking them during your presentation. So map out your journey and set the expectation. Now, Matt Abraham's is a Stanford lecturer and expert on public speaking. He claims that structure in a presentation can set you free. It helps you remember what you're going to say because even if you forget the details you can use the framework…
