From the course: Google Drive Essential Training

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Navigate the web interface

Navigate the web interface

- [Narrator] Now that we have an empty Google Drive waiting to be populated with our files, let's go over the interface. If you've just started out with a brand new empty Google Drive, you may have one document from Google in here to get started. At the very top of the screen is the search bar. This is to search for all your files that are stored in drive. All the way on the right-hand side of the screen is how to access your main Google information. You can click on your avatar icon and from here, you can access your Google Privacy settings. You can click Manage your Google account which is global across all of your Google products. You can also click to Add a new account here and you can Sign out of Google Drive. To the left of that is the thumbnail Grid icon. Here, you can access every other Google product. Now below this is the main context bar for Google Drive. You can click on My Drive and here's where you can create…
