From the course: Getting Started in User Experience

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The UX job market

The UX job market

- UX is a discipline that's still finding its feet. There's good demand for user experience people, and seemingly that demand is still increasing year on year. But that doesn't mean that companies always know exactly what it is that they want their user experience new hire to be able to do. As Cory Lebson says in his course, Planning a Career in User Experience, that means you have to take the lead in setting out a career path you're interested in and then finding the opportunities to grow as your career takes off. One problem is that recruiters seem to be under the impression that there exists a secret land that's populated entirely with UX unicorns. These mythical beasts can run complex user research studies, then jump straight into a prototyping tool to create a high fidelity mock-up complete with pixel-perfect visuals and stunning copy before they then hand-code the HTML and CSS needed to make it all come together into a…
