From the course: Freelancing Foundations

The essential skills of freelancing

From the course: Freelancing Foundations

The essential skills of freelancing

- Have you thought about offering your skills directly to clients? It's never been a better time to freelance with the majority of workers expected to be freelancing by 2027. But if you want to make a living freelancing, doing great work isn't enough. You'll need to be able to find new clients, market yourself, and understand how to run a business. In this course, I'll use real life examples to show you how to create a budget, price your services, talk to clients, and sell yourself effectively. Ultimately, this knowledge will help you feel confident offering your services to clients, and running a freelance business. I'm Jay Clouse, and I've been freelancing for years. I created Freelancing School to help people all over the world make a living freelancing, and I'm excited to help you do the same. Join me as I show you the skills you need to build a thriving freelance business.
