From the course: Final Cut Pro Essential Training

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Importing assets: Fixing common problems

Importing assets: Fixing common problems - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro Essential Training

Importing assets: Fixing common problems

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to look at a few of the automated processes that we have available for us for video to help us with organization and even to fix common problems. So, let's head back to the media import window by clicking on the import media button. And here, I'm actually going to go in our imported organized folder. I'm going to head to the interviews folder where there happens to be shots of one individual who was interviewed. And in fact, I'm going to select the overall folder to bring in all of these clips. And here, I'm going to run a process under analyzed video called find people. So, what this is going to do is look for people in the shot, based on these options, we can actually create something called smart collections from them. So, we could find shots that contain people later on, not to mention if we had multiple people results where we have wide shots or closeups, we can place…
