From the course: Excel: You Can Do This

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Freeze panes: See your data while scrolling

Freeze panes: See your data while scrolling - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: You Can Do This

Freeze panes: See your data while scrolling

(upbeat music) - A lot of times, we have to add data to a long list. We're scrolling all over the place and our headers go away. We don't know what the heck is going on. Check this data out. We've got names, people's favorite colors, their director, the manager, and then we scroll down and we have more data to enter, like Carlton Salazar, okay. What was in column F? We've got to scroll back up to see. When you've got a long list like this, no, stop. We're going to end this pain by freezing panes. The idea is we want to keep our headers, so we need to put our cursor where we want the scroll to happen. So I want to put my cursor on Monday because everything from row six and above, that's what we need to always see. In the view tab in Excel, we go to freeze panes, and freeze panes again. And now, see? The horizontal and the vertical lines showing where the scroll is going to happen. Watch. Now let's go back to Carlton Salazar. We know what column to put his favorite color, which is dark…
