From the course: Excel 2016 Essential Training

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Adjusting row heights and column widths

Adjusting row heights and column widths

From the course: Excel 2016 Essential Training

Adjusting row heights and column widths

- You can easily adjust the width of columns and the height of rows. And as we look at this worksheet called Rows and Columns in the workbook called 04 - Formatting, maybe we want to make sure that these columns here, B, C, D, E, F and G are all exactly the same width. Much of the time, when you adjust column widths and/or row heights, you need not go into the menu system. You can simply use the boundaries between columns or the ones between row numbers to make adjustments. Now two possibilities here. If we want all of these monthly columns to be wider, since we've dragged across to select them, we can point to any boundary between the column letters, click and drag. Notice as we do this, we see the number of pixels above it. Now most of the time, we don't really care but sometimes you might. I'll make these 75. Main idea is I want them of a certain width, and I want them all to be the same. So if I were to click right here on the boundary between F and G, holding down the mouse, it's…
