From the course: Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Natural Light Portraiture

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The set up

The set up

You know, we often shoot natural light up here. This is our first, let's say, our upstairs, and what's interesting, as a young photographer, I think probably many people starting in the 60s when I did probably did the same thing. A lot of us were really afraid of strobe light, electronic flash, and so the emphasis was on natural light. Now I passed it and I use all types of light today including hot lights, strobe lights, but my favorite is daylight. That's why we have this room, for example, with skylights everywhere and we work outdoors. So as a complete photographer, you have to be able to use all these resources, all these possibilities, and that's part of the beauty of photography. It's not confined and you shouldn't confine yourself, because anyway, just really look around. You see, you get an atmosphere here and sometimes like we refer to them as beautiful accidents can happen. You get a flare of something into the lens and it can look very alive and very cinematic, a lot of…
