From the course: Developing Your Professional Image in a New Job

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Build a strategy

Build a strategy

- [Narrator] Your career strategy is bigger than your career developments plan. And it's more crucial to your success than goal setting. It's your vision, your career mission, your working blueprint. Creating your career strategy will set you off on a clear, strong path as you start out in your career. Creating your strategy is a different process to goal setting or creating a plan. But it's very easy to confuse these activities. Your goals are part of your strategy, but they're not all of your strategy, which is a longer term plan. I recommend you wait until after your first 90 days in a role to develop your career strategy as you may not know the specific challenges you are facing until you've had some experience in your role. Once you've reached the three month mark, it's time to get focused on your career strategy. You can use the strategy planner document in the exercise files as an easy template, or you can use…
