From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

More leaders with a creativity mindset are needed

From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

More leaders with a creativity mindset are needed

- What if we saw the existence of constraints as an opportunity instead of a barrier? What if we deliberately sought out surprises to help generate ideas, or if we got our efforts acknowledged instead of only our successes? What if we played at work? What do you think this would change for yourself, for your teams and for your organization? I'll tell you what it would change. You'd find yourself better able to creatively problem-solve. You'd find that sharing and collaboration would improve in your teams, and the number of innovative ideas would increase. You'd see a boost in individual and collective morale and see people start to grow into their self-confidence and live up to their potential. You'd find yourself trusting yourself more as a leader as your company enhances its products and services. Why would all of this come about? Because you shifted to a creativity mindset. Sadly, traditional work culture stifles creativity instead of supporting it because many leaders are stuck in outdated concepts and believe that creativity in business is a nice-to-have, or something to work on later. But in the current era and into the future, both business and professional success depends on creativity being part of the DNA of a company and its culture. I can help with that. I'm Denise Jacobs, international keynote speaker, trainer, professional development coach and author of "Banish Your Inner Critic." Join me in my LinkedIn Learning course to delve into how you can be part of a new wave of leaders who embrace, develop and champion a creativity mindset to benefit yourself and all levels of your company. In this course, I'll share tons of critical reframes, fresh techniques and actionable exercises, which I call creative doses, that are designed to help you remove mental blocks, up-level your creativity skills and cultivate a creativity mindset. Are you ready? Let's go.
