From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Five practices for continuous delivery

Five practices for continuous delivery

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Five practices for continuous delivery

- Is continuous delivery, just like getting food delivered, but for IT? Tap a few buttons and bam, pizza. Tap a few more and bam, Kubernetes. - Now, okay, that's a pretty good analogy, but it takes work to set up the process to get there. The definitive work on continuous delivery is the excellent book of the same name by Jez Humble and Dave Farley, and we highly recommend it. A great quote from the book to think about is, "It's not how much you can deliver, but how little." - [Instructor] After you have meditated upon this truth, let's return to our pipeline. After the build stage, we have a deployment stage. It's first step is to deploy our latest successful build artifacts to a live environment that's as much of a copy of production as possible. You might call this environment CI, staging, test, or pre-production. At this point, the rest of your testing should happen and it should be automated as much as possible. - Let's talk about five techniques to be successful at continuous…
